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the Load Bearing 'Books'

A Commune Tiny Library by a Ferry Port

Volume Zero Competition   |     "Tiny Library"​     |     year 2020

Award: Honourable Mentions

Partner with David Nee Zhi Kang 


"l i b r a r y"

A library isn’t a library if without books. A building with just books but without human, it’s merely storage. A library is a place where architecture meets with knowledge and human  - The fundamental relationship that forms the chronology of ‘library’. But ironically, what makes a space possible to be a library  - Not architecture but the bookshelf. What if the architecture could create a seamless relationship with the books, a library without bookshelf?

Book as

Library's foundation

The proposed idea interprets books as the foundation of the library as if the structure supports the building. Without books, the building is incomplete and unstable, one cannot work without the other. The absence of books only happens when there is the presence of humans interacting with books/ architecture. Creating a balance and complementing relationship that nourishes the meaning of the library.

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Site Selection

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The ‘Igan River’ ferry port – Villagers’ shortest route to town everyday for trading. A non-place with high daily usage, and the only area with high interaction and human flow since there is no gathering place exist around the rural. So the commune library will be a convenient beacon of knowledge for the locals as well as the wellness of community for the rural.


Design Strategies

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 identity . community . awareness

the E-POD

Prefabricated pod frame with built-in retractable solar charging panel. Kids could operate to deploy the built-in solar panel to charge the devices whenever its low on battery. Creates awareness and expose the rural youngster to the sustainable energy.


Front view of E-pod.


The entrance of E-pod  linkingthe library.

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Manually deployable solar charging panel to create sustainable awareness among the Igan community.

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